Friday, January 25, 2008

"We dont believe you. You need more people"-Jay-z

Roger Clemmons as a non-juicer...sorry, you need more people...

Hilary Clinton as the President...sorry, you need more people...(not hating but lets be feasible. Every year the democrats trot out minority candidates that have no shot in hell at being elected...If they f this election up...ima libertarian from now on...)

Barack Obama as the President...sorry, you need more people...(really now...i hate to be down on my people but really now...)

Chris Benoit as a murderer...sorry, you need more people...(ok, so all the evidence is to the contrary, but this was one of my fav wrestlers nope im not gonna believe it!!!)

That oxy clean guy as the ron popeil of the new millenium... sorry, you need more people...

Jessica Alba as an actress...sorry, you need more people...

Matrix Reloaded as not one of the hottest movies ever...sorry, you need more people...(i mean everything came together in this one the action the dialogue, not unbearable...One was groundbreaking, granted, but had too much story and not enough ass-whooping. Three was alright; slightly anticlimactic fight scene with Smith and Neo, but the 2nd had it all...They built a entire highway set for the chase scene for Christ Sake...)

Denzel as an actor not stuck in the same 1 or 2 type roles for the last 10 years...sorry, you need more people...

Coke as being better than pepsi...sorry, you need more people...(seriously though yall niggas just hating on NC...sheesh, coke?...cane maybe but not cola)

The big mac as actually being delicious...sorry, you need more people...(how the hell does a sandwich that nasty survive so long...but a brother cant get a McRib though)

Chingy as a rapper...sorry, you need more people...

Any athelte as a rapper...sorry, you need more people...

Any rapper as a singer...sorry, you need more people...

OJ Simpson as an innocent man...F-IT ima stick with you, juice!!!!

Patriots as the best team ever...sorry, you need more people...

Mary-ju-wanna as any thing other than a giggle inducing appetite enhancer...sorry, you need more people...

Dogfighting as being worse than hunting...sorry, you need more people...

Lupe Fiasco as the next big thing...ok so you got me, but you get the point...

Bruce Eagle the full metal. Peace!!!

Loquacious Levity 1-25-08

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008


A little more of what you can expect from this blog...I am a narcissitic, megalomanic, that can't spell, doesnt capitalize "I"and gives mostly opinions(hey, that way i am never wrong).
And each post may contain various topics or just one depending on my level of sobriety, how i feel that day, and my level of sleep the night before(i cant articulate without a lack of sleep). I am dichotomous(sp, see i told you). I may drop a word like circumlocutionary(lo ok it up!!!) and shizzle in the same paragraph. like this post i decided to list my top five rappers for time i finish i may drop a verse who knows, but here we go:

1. Nasir Bin Olu Dara Jones(yes i broke out the whole name)
2. Ghost(face that is)
3. Mos Def
4. Jay-z/Common( this slot tends to fluctuate depending on how these dudes decide to spit...the last Jay album was a bit slack but this new one is FIRE which puts him back at a solid "4", common is slipping since the "BE" album, but im sure he'll get back to 4 eventually. This list isnt set in stone dang it!!!)
5. MF Doom(he is just too clever not to be here...)

6th man is Cormega...he isnt nice enough for the top five but he is my guilty pleasure he just puts so much hubris and pathos in his songs you just have to feel him
7. Andre 3000-what can i say? the man is a beast. Wished he rapped more but ill take what i can get.
8. Eminem-oh my god this man was crazy lyrically. Check his earlier rhyme schemes and lyrics...crazy
9. Black Thought-this mans flow is ridiculous
10. Biggie(This is the only permanent spot on the list. The rest is pretty static. i cant put him higher b/c he, of course, cant make any new records(unless he hooks up with Pac's agent), but the ones he has are timeless so he rounds out the list. Long Kiss goodnight, whew, "ya burn when you creep me/rest where the worms and the weak be..."

Honorable mention:
Vinnie Paz from Jedi Mind Tricks(can't really explain this one. He just gets it in! "its a passionate thing the way we make classics/genuine brilliance or inate madness"
Kno from Cunninglynguists(careful how you say this you may be lascivious if you pronounce it wrong. "Prisoner of love I give her my cell number...")
Prodigy from Mobb Deep(probably the most voice sampled rapper. The man's quotes are crazy) Kweli(cant make a consistent album but I like his heart)..

umm..thats about it...
What do you think? Sorry no old school while i respect the contributions, I dont like the rhyme schemes(outside of Rakim, Kane, and Kool G, of course), call me a youngin if you want...

BruceEagle the full metal. Peace!!!!

Loquacious Levity 1-23-08

I have two words for all patriots fans that thought the SPYGATE talk would stop once Goodell levied his judgement and subsequent penalty: OJ Simpson

Witnesses in a trial swear on the Bible to tell the whole truth. What if a witness is not Christian? No offense, but to me, the Torah and the Koran, for instance, are just good books filled with words to live by, not sacred documents. With that said, what weight does the Bible hold for for non-christian witnesses? Whats to stop them from lying?

Oh, i forgot...A federal grand jury indictment. My bad, nevermind.

Say what you want about Andy Petitte and Jason Giambi. At least, they EVENTUALLY told the truth about steroids...So, um, Roger, what's it gonna be?

Speaking of that, how silly were Curt Schilling's comments awhile ago about suing if someone falsely accused you of steroid use. Adding, anything other than a lawsuit is a tacit admission of steroid use. Are you serious? Do you know the kind of dirt that comes out at a trial? Ask James and Isaiah about that one...

Hey if it means a hooker is gonna testify I injected steroids in her presence(or his depending on your preference. I think male hookers are gigolos...) with my wife in the courtroom...Say i used steroids all day...

How crazy is Eli Manning? This man could have gone to sunny Southern Cal, but instead chose to go to NY(b/f any NY'ers comment, think about it. Its like 70 degrees in San Diego right now...How have those nor'easters been treating ya?).

Eli isnt really that bad of quaterback. He just has a few things working against him:
1. His brother
2. His Brother
3. The high standards of NY
4. His Pops

The music industry complains about downloading illegally but will not produce a decent album. When is the last time you bought a mainstream album and could listen all the way through? Not even all the way, just more that 2 good tracks out of 13. I mean, what the hell do they expect from us? To pay for garbage? If they start coming out with CD singles again, Ill buy, but until then you will not get a DIME from me until i see some thought, some heart, and for God Sake's, some talent.

Although i realize, that could be one of those chicken or the egg type things. Like, is music bad b/c no one is buying it or vice versa?

By the way, it was the chicken that came first...animals don't evolve into eggs...that wouldnt make any sense...that is if you believe in evolution...if not, then God didn't make just an egg. It was definitely the chicken.

Oh and there is not much difference, in theory, between science and religion. Both are man's way of explaining the world and its existence...For instance, the bible has the Garden of Eden and Science has "the big bang" theory. Both are, in essence, something from nothing.

Was anybody really suprised by the collapse of Britney Spears? She was like that old milk in the fridge thats a few days past the expiration. You sniff and are suprised it isnt soured and you use it, but you know any day further could be the last...

The hypocrisy of Bruce: I am pro-choice when it comes to the law, but pro-life in any situation that would involve me. Explanation: the way i figure with the steps i take for a baby NOT to be born, if i happen to conceive, that baby is meant to be here. Its just that i cant honestly sit back and tell someone else what to do with their situation. Now my situation on the other hand...we are gonna at least have a discussion.

Is there a such thing as political prostitution? If not, this years democratic presidential candidates just invented it...

Some ppl respond with "if you dont like it, you can leave" to any comment that would even suggest a change in US law or policies. For instance, the hypocrisy of dog fighting and hunting laws, marijuana and alcohol, etc, etc. First off, just b/c you feel the need to complain, doesnt mean you dont like it here. Matter of fact, apathy would be a worse crime. We complain b/c we want things to change. Not b/c we dont realize this is the best situation for us. Second, you think cats have dough like that to move from state to state, let alone internationally? Third, what if the colonies had decided to leave instead of trying to effect change? There wouldnt be a nation to begin with. There is no perfect situation. There will always be things we wish we could change. Stop thinking in absolutes and start listening. If a suggestion hits enough ears, maybe someone will listen to it...

Bruce Eagle the full metal. Peace!!!

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