You need more people"-Jay-Z
Global Warming...sorry you need more people.
Do you know what the morning (7 am or so) temp was in sunny Stamford, CT 06905 yesterday? ELEVEN DEGREES with a NEGATIVE 8 wind chill...Im calling bullfeathers on that...
Seriously, its not that Global Warming isn’t happening, per se, but its not an accurate term for our situation as a planet. What this term would connote is that the earth is simply getting hotter. Well, the earth, a living organism unto itself, goes through changes every so often as most organisms do. I seem to recall a period in earth's history where the entire planet was ice. So, yeah, the earth gets warmer.
So in essence, the earth would have become warmer or changed climates with out us here. Yep, life can go on without us. It did and will(if there is anything left). This term is catchy and it gave Al Gore something to put on T-shirts, but no, the term Global Warming does not properly reflect what is going on here. We humans have done irrevocable damage to our home. Do you know what irrevocable means? We CANNOT FIX THIS? In the last 100 years, we have consumed more resources than all civilizations that have ever existed combined. I understand that some of this has to do with an influx of technology and population growth; however, explain or excuse all you want that doesn’t change the fact that we have destroyed this planet. The only thing that will save us now is:
CONSERVATION of what little we have left. The consumption of all of our resources have drained mother earth not to mention depleted the ozone layer in the process. That natural UV filter mother earth gave us is GONE. Any semblance of pure air is GONE. We have to not just recycle, but stop using so much. Stop driving so much. Stricter Mandatory gas mileage standards for every car. A less debaucherous lifestyle in general for everyone. I know you remember those reduce, reuse, recycle commercials like 15 yrs ago. Shit, back further than that was Jimmy Carter spouting better gas mileage, more conservation. This concept aint new to us. We didn’t listen then. So, we have to pay now. Its not to say that there haven’t been many people who have contributed to World awareness and there has been recent Clean Air legislation, but this is not enough. These are actions not results. People feel that this is a solution. No it’s support not a solution. People feel that way b/c the term Global warming isn’t strong enough in its reductionist nature.
So yes, Global warming… you need more people and you need more words.
Let’s try: The fact that we have fucked this earth over and cant fix what we have done but we can stop more fuck ups in the future so that our great^10 grand children may actually have something left.
Not quite as catchy but the message is fully stated.
Bruce Eagle the full metal. Conserve!!!
KLIM beats - Slow Snow
3 days ago
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