Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"We don't believe you...

"you need more people"-Jay-Z

Roger Clemens is a non-juicer...sorry, you need more people...(this along with "do you have the job security of Isaiah"...will be a running item until it is irrelevant and Roger confesses. And, judging from the way all this has played out thus far...I think it should be relevant for years to come)

“Crank Dat Batman” is a viable form of music...sorry, you need more people...(umm, YEAH...hey man i know every song aint gotta suit my fancy, but hot damn...that is a terrible fucking song. I mean its so bad that if i ever see these dudes...Im punching them square in the face and thats "word to my seed-dah". I like the whole "snap song" trend, its catchy and gives you something to dance to. Its not big on lyrical content but hey everything has its place. This right hurr dough...is not...its just not...F it...im moving on)

The Showtime/CBS show, Dexter, is not one of the best shows on TV...sorry, you need more people...(here i go again with the righteous "you should watch this show...blah blah"..but man, this show is on another level. Its clever, well-acted, and very engaging. Its a bit gory, but thats cool you should be used to it on network TV by now. Give it a shot, pretty puh-lease...)

Crank Dat Batman is a viable form of music...sorry, you need more people...(yeah i had to run this one twice...)

America is still the most powerful country in the world...sorry you need more people...(I guess this is technically right given there is no one country more powerful in the world, for better or worse, but you gotta admit we are slipping as a dominant country. With the way we botched the Iraq war why should anybody fear us let alone respect us anymore? The dollar isnt the strongest currency(we are behind the Euro and if you can believe the canadian dollar). We dont make the best anything anymore either. No food, no toys, no clothes, no toothpaste, for Christ's Sake, we dont even do our own customer service anymore. How do you outsource a call? Damn thats bad. All that aside though, recent war "win"/loss record and all, we still have the most nukes though if you anybody wanna take it there(or at least i hope. I have a hunch that pakistan is slowly building a nuclear arsenal better than ours under the radar, hahaha what you know about parens inside of parens. this is history ppl)...but lets hope not...No point being the most powerful nation in the world again if there aint no world...but i digress)

The Patriots are the 2004 Superbowl Champions...sorry you need more people...(I thought we went over this in the last LL post. Those bastards cheated! It wasnt just against the Rams...Oh so they found a successful way to win but they just decided to get ethical in the face of a team that could beat them? BULLFEATHERS...They are co-champs with the Panthers...matter of fact this is gonna be another runnning item until everybody comes to their senses. Write your congressperson. Petition at the courthouse. We need to make this happen. Oh and while you're writing and petitioning, feel free to picket something like increased funding for stem cell research too, but STAY FOCUSED on this people...! Ill be watching...)

Atheists...sorry you need more people...( I dont have the time to delve too deep into this one right now. I think ima do a "mythbusters" post on this topic, but really? I know, religion can be disenfranchising at times, but NO GOD at all? really? Do you know that your heart on average beats 70 times per minute? Try doing that with your hand? Hurts like hell dont it? Have you seen a sunset? Evolution, even? Come on, we can explain why we walk upright, the heart, sunsets etc, etc, but you dont feel that there is some overall force moving all of this? Call it energy, Call it Akira, Call it God, but there is SOMETHING that is moving the heavens and life itself. To think that we are anything other than a wrinkle on a larger brain is kinda arrogant, but you are entitled to your opinion, but to me, you just need more peeps, quite frankly...On that note:)

An opinion cannot be wrong...sorry you need more people( i know i know by definition an opinion cant be wrong. Isn't that just being nice about people's inner thoughts? By and large, most opinions cant be wrong, i understand. Por Ejemplo, "In my opinion, vanilla ice cream is the best ice cream ever, EVER" How the hell can you disprove that...it cant be wrong. However, what about opinions based on erroneous information? Like if everything that came out about roger clemens so far was false, my opinion that he is a lying, patronizing bastard would be based on erroneous information. I would rescind my previous opine and change it. In theory, my previous opinion would have been technically wrong...but "yall dont hear me, you just wanna dance"...on that note though...UNA VEZ MAS:

Crank Dat Batman is a viable form of music...sorry, you need more people...(and opinion or not this cannot possibly be wrong or refuted so dont even try...)

Bruce Eagle the Full Metal. Peace!!!

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