Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Letter to Shareholders-Acme Industries's

Dear Shareholder,

As you may know there has been a lot activity during this fiscal year. We will begin with our recent achievements. We are pleased to inform you that we are now officially "green" in all of our factories. We have gotten rid of the previous asbestos-spewing air conditioning units and the toxic waste conveyor belt we've used the first 99 years of our existence, but we go by the law: "better late than never".

In an unrelated note, employee mortality rates are at their lowest level in our 100 year history. Also for the first time ever, we have a health care plan for factory workers(originally just for executives) to back up this claim. Yes, the factories are loving their new Baflack/HMO. These recent employee changes will decrease our bottom line, but the safety and health of our employees has always been paramount. We are also pleased to inform you that our stock price is now at 1,000 dollars per share, but we aim to get that number up to 1500 per share by optimizing our factory space in addressing a long standing employee-overcrowding issue.

As well as our recent successes, Acme has been embroiled in a few minor legal conflicts. We want to instill in you our confidence that the recent lawsuit filed by one, Mr. Wil E. Coyote, is frivolous and unfounded. We have a legacy of over 100 years of providing quality products and services. We take pride in our creations and go to great lengths to ensure their safety with proper use. We also have pending litigation from a midwestern contingent of megalomanical farmers who want to rid the world of gophers. The lawsuit contends that the farmers were given cancer because we included toxic materials from china in an attempt to increase profits. We want to stand by our defense that we were not aware that the same Chinese factory that makes dog food and toothpaste also makes the buttons for our Rocket powered artillery division. Here at Acme, we want our products to be deadly not toxic.

In an unrelated bit of good news, we are purchasing a Chinese dog food and toothpaste company to diversify our already large firm. Our holdings in MotherFlurbers, makers of .9 mm baby pacifiers, and ClassRoles, makers of explosive file folders for teenagers, will not be affected by this new acquisition.

Lastly, we made 100 Billion dollars in profit for the year. In a related note in light of this record breaking profit, the Board of Directors has authorized bonuses and raises for the entire executive team.

As always, it is our goal to do everything in our power to make the shareholders happy. After all, you are our favorite customers.


B. Astards III, CEO and Chairman, WEa, pHd mbU, ReT. lieUtenant-Armed Forces.

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