because sometimes you gotta let nuccas know:I got so many sentences Kotex can't keep up with the periods...
My thoughts cut diamonds...
Reading your blog is like watching paraplegic turtles race...
Your mama loves my sh*t...
Maybe if you practice, you could work your way up to moron...
Your blog makes Marlee Matlin wish she was blind and helen keller glad to be so...
Stephen Hawking wants me to ghostwrite his next book...
Jim Abbott types better than you with one hand tied behind his back...
Corky from Life Goes On called...he wants his blog back...
Google googles me...
You ain't worth the copper ya two cents were stamped on...
I've seen coked up squirrels string thoughts together better than you...
Your blog is like a Eunuch; something is just missing...
You couldn't touch my paragraphs if they were a slutty prom date...
My blog took a dump in your blog's house and left it...
You think salient is some kind of ointment...
That white stuff the gets in the corners of people's mouth has more flavor than you...
Your words secretly sneak over to my blog late at night...they love my sh*t...
Did I mention your mama does too...
Bruce Eagle the full metal. Damn, Son!!!
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